Thanks to many of you for you comments and encouragement regarding the loss of Bob.
Today Denise and the crew will lay Bob to rest in beautiful Charleston, SC. Be curious to see who all will be there. I hate that I will not be there to celebrate the life of such a great man. Bob lived a very vivid yet quite life. As I thought about what to say today about Bob, I am lead to tell you about a conversation that we had regarding dying. One day we were in one of our many conversations about something crazy and I said, "But when you die, don't you want to go to heaven?" and I will never forget what came out of his mouth. He said, "No! I know I am going to hell so when you all bury me, bury me with a gallon of water so I can sell it in hell!" I looked at him in total amazement and said, "what did you say?" I was floored. I mean, I am a young 18 year old traditional grounded baptist Christian ( that's a lot, thank you for deliverance Lord) and I had never heard anyone say that with such confidence. He said, " I know I have done so much stuff that Jesus will not let me in heaven." I said, "BOB"! He said, "Yeah man!" With that one of a kind smirk on his face. I never forgot that and I have told that story many times. Who would have thought that I would become a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ 10 years later and have an opportunity to pray for and with Bob. He always made fun that Denise was Catholic and in his own fashion crafted funny jokes. But, he always acknowledge that his mother was a devout baptist! We laughed about religion alot.
As they lay him to rest today, I thought about the Samaratian lady at the well who came to fetch natural water but ended up meeting Jesus and recieving eternal life. Though at that season in Bob's life he thought that God would not accept him because of his past, which by the way wasn't that bad. But as Bob got older and Denise mellowed him a lot, I think he reflected alot on life and just how good God had been to him. He had a generous heart and he gave, he loved unconditionally and if he liked you, he really liked you! Two years ago, I was in Charleston to eulogize a former employee and dear friend, I went by the house to see Bob. I still had my clergy collar on and to see the gleam in his eye. The strokes had limited his speech. He did not say much but I knew he was proud of me. I prayed for him and he said thank you. In my heart, I honestly feel Bob is in heaven like I said previously arguing with St. Peter about where the best fish are. Though we will never understand why God chose this path for Bob in the later years of his life, I do know this! Bob gave to the poor, comforted the widow, and helped the orphaned. Those were tenants that Jesus commanded us to do before he left. So Big Bob you want need that gallon after all. Jesus have given you an eternal portion! Rest in peace...
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