Monday, November 9, 2009

The Real Church

What is the purpose of having a blog if you are not going to blog? My goodness...why do you
even have it? I know many of you have asked that question but honestly...I have been busy and fighting for my life. Family, life, business, life and oh yeah, a young church. Whew! What a summer.

Life will hand you a puzzle and gives you absolutely no clues on how to figure it out! Can I get an amen? Right there?

I know I owe you all something really good and profound and that will come soon.

I wanted to take this opportunity to give a BIG SHOUT out to an amazing ministry located in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Since July 12th, God has graced our ministry with His hand of salvation and people are getting saved and lives are changing. During a recent visit and tour of 12stone, my gracious host showed me their baptismal pools which lead to a great conversation. As we were standing there I was able to qoute the price because I wanted one so we would not have to go back to the local swimming pool to commence this most important sacrament. My host tells me they were actually ordering some new pools that very day. I said, "Wow! great. Would you be so kind to forward me the information of the vendor so I can eventually order one for us." The young man in charge said sure but one of the church leaders said, "You know what? Order them one and call me to get the account to charge it to!" That was God in action! I was so elated at seeing God move straightway.

Yesterday, I baptized 4 people. What a public declaration and next week there will be some more! I am deeply grateful to 12stone for their heart to serve and assist. What an awesome ministry! I was even more impressed with the empowerment to make it happen for Jesus without having a vote by a board.

Again thanks 12stone! May God richly bless you beyond measure!

It's dippin time...

Be blessed,


Monday, May 4, 2009

The Dryness

Wow! What a whirlwind week? As I reflect on yesterday service, I thought it not robbery to share with the blog world.

As we live in a world of such transistion and change there are times that we become overwhelmed or just burned out. We become dry and brittle and if we are not careful the very life we cherish can be taken out of us. Or as I really want to say it, sucked out of us! Ezekial was guided to a valley of dry bones and to his amazement he was told to speak life unto them. Most of us will exit stage left when we are confronted with putting work or time into something or someone we view as dead. Let's be real...because we value time so much that we don't have time to waste time so if there is not a pulse in the situation, we move on.

But Ezekiel did not, I don't think he had a choice really! The hand of the Lord was upon him.

That spoke volumes to me...where you are is where God has allowed you to be and if you are in a dry place than He is saying something to you. Many people we know are in dry places for that matter some of us are in a dry place. Dryness can cause a desperation! When your finances are dry, you become desperate for relief. When your relationships are dry and non productive, you become desperate for "real" fellowship and companionship. There are mulitple areas of dryness in our lives. I say all of that to say this:

God places us in "dryness" to create desperation for HIM!
So if you are a little dry, seek HIM!
But Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33) Go check out all these things...
Blessings upon you and have a great week!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Incredible God

It is 6:50am and I am sitting in Atlanta Hartsfield Airport after arriving on the redeye from Los Angeles and boy am I tired. Because I love my wife so and I am not arrogant enough to ask anyone to pick me up so early on a Saturday morning, I have nothing but time. My family is coming to get me though for long day of flag football where my two youngest! Last week they both had interceptions and touchdowns. For you non flag football followers if you get an interception you cannot run it back so as we say in the south...they were showing out! I look forward to seeing them today since I missed their game last week due to leadership training that had been planned prior to the football shedule.

Speaking of leadership, I was blessed to work and attend an amazing conference this week called Catalyst West in Irvine, CA at an awesome church named Mariner's Church, Since I work in the church related field along with being a pastor, I would say I know churches. I have seen big and small but this church beats them all. It was an appealing campus well thought out with student, children,life development and worship centers and a beautiful chapel built with glass and dark wood. This campus estimately cost over $100 million dollars. You may be asking so what is the big deal? Churches build these huge momuments to themselves all the time." Yeah ,that may be true but this was a "live" campus that was thriving and vibrant. Now, here is the catcher! No one had the faintess idea who the pastor was. This church had over 10,000 members and no where did a see the name or a picture of the pastor. Refreshing! I finally learned his name when I was in their bookstore and saw the pastor's book pick of the month. Kenton Beshore is his name. An amazing visionary he has to be.

No man can do this save God be with him...John 3:2