Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sunday Reflections

Wow! I have the honor and priviledge to pastor some amazing people. Our message this past Sunday was What to do when the church does not work? It came from Mark 9: 14 thru the 27th verse. So many people have given up on the church because, unfortunately, the church cannot answer or fulfill their cry for help! Jesus paints a wonderful picture of how to address the conflict in your life. Even when people or the world think you are dead, He will lift you up!

Our ministry is one of lifting up the one who has been disappointed by life and all people! Our motto of Revive,Restore, Redeem is alive and well!

Be encouraged!

I invite you to join us this coming Sunday for "Back to Church Sunday"! If you have been out for awhile I encourage you to connect to a local church and let the Lord speak to you!