Friday, December 23, 2011

On my watch... For Every Pastor!

30 days ago, I resigned as Lead and founding pastor of Hebron World Church and subsequently the church is being dissolved. Yes, after 5 years of service, sacrifice and dedication, I felt God's release. Over the past weeks, I have pondered much! During the past 3 months there has been a lot of death and henceforth a lot of grieving. I will be blogging more about my transition later on but I really wish to share my heart. I share this for every pastor and serious disciple of Christ.

(1) Sheep bite and it hurts! As a shepherd our task is to equip and prepare the saints to be disciples and followers of Jesus Christ. Change and transformation is exactly that -Change! It is a shifting, a stretching and a launch into the unknown. When people aren't willing to change, they resist and defend. They bite! Ouch and does it hurt! In my 43 years of living, it includes being an entrepreneur, a hotel manager, an executive pastor and a lead pastor. I have learned this: you can't take people where they do not want to go and they will fight you tooth and nail to stay where they are.

(2) When people show you who they are believe them. Maya Angelou is given credit for this quote but as pastors we have the propensity to believe the best in everyone and totally discount every unction that the spirit gives us that this person or people is not going to all! We desire to see the good side in all things and in all people. What I have learned is go with your gut and do what the spirit leads you to do. If they don't want to change or attach to your God given vision then keep it moving! Which leads into my third lesson learned...

(3) Know when enough is enough. Again as a type A, aggressive, tenacious, never give up leader, we will fight until the end. Now many will argue that you just can't quit or stop until you have exhausted every means and resource available to you even if it means jeopardizing or sacrificing your family and relationships. We take the dogmatic position that I am a winner and nothing can stop me in the name of Jesus! Some of us even entertain the idea that we would be a failure and heaven forbid carry the burden of the infamous "what will people say or think?" Once you have gone through enough hell by yourself it really does not matter what anyone else say or think. Where were they when you were in the press of your life? What I realized in the waning moments of 2011 is that it is okay to say enough is enough. I hear some of you asking, “Okay, Charles when is enough enough?” After you have fasted, prayed, and sought counsel and nothing changes and actually get worst. As in the scene from the Titanic when the ship was going down and the orchestra continued to play as people were sliding by them to their death. That’s when you know, it’s enough! When attendance decline so much that the ministry cannot make it financial obligations, you may start considering is this enough. Matthew 10:14 really blessed me...when you have done all you can and those around you still do not believe! Dust off your feet and move on.

(4) God will never leave you or forsake you - for real! As a pastor and follower of Jesus Christ when you go through challenging times, Hebrews 13:5 will sustain you. Many pastors quote this but yet have the opportunity to really experience it! I was in a conversation with a mentor who has been in ministry for over 30 years and I was sharing the difficulty the church was having meeting its financial obligation. He looked at me and said, “I do not know how you keep your sanity. I have always led in situations where our bills were paid and payroll was met. I mean there may have been a time or two where we had to go into reserves but never a Sunday to Sunday situation.” I responded, “You are kidding me!” He replied, “Nope!” Some situations and circumstances, God set up just for you. So after all the "I got your backers" are gone even your closest friends, mentors and confidants think you have lost your mind. I find great solace in knowing that God has never left me nor has He forsaken me.

Over the past month, the most heart-warming and encouraging things for me have been the subtle emails from people who were members or regular attenders that read, " I met God under your watch! My relationship with Him is closer and more meaningful. I came into this relationship with God while at Hebron and I am forever grateful! Your ministry is not in vain pastor, if you came for anyone, it was for me!" I have realized that all is not in vain and just maybe God has planted you to touch just one. It’s okay! Just do what He sent you to do and be cognizant to the fact that God may end the season sooner than you think.

In 5 years, over 400 people came to know the Lord at Hebron, 100's of baptisms and over 3,000 people feed. We were a safe haven, a sanctuary and a place where you could experience the love of Christ! I am at peace and extremely excited about what God has in store for us next. 2012 is a year of order and restoration. As I transition from being a lead pastor and launch out to share my story of life as a church starter versus a church planter, I am trusting in God now more than ever! I don’t know what He has in store but I do have the peace of knowing that God is guiding every step of my life and I trust HIM! Do you?

If you know of anyone hiring, please let me know! I have a feeling God is up to something really BIG!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Bury me with a gallon of water...Ode to Bob continued

Thanks to many of you for you comments and encouragement regarding the loss of Bob.

Today Denise and the crew will lay Bob to rest in beautiful Charleston, SC. Be curious to see who all will be there. I hate that I will not be there to celebrate the life of such a great man. Bob lived a very vivid yet quite life. As I thought about what to say today about Bob, I am lead to tell you about a conversation that we had regarding dying. One day we were in one of our many conversations about something crazy and I said, "But when you die, don't you want to go to heaven?" and I will never forget what came out of his mouth. He said, "No! I know I am going to hell so when you all bury me, bury me with a gallon of water so I can sell it in hell!" I looked at him in total amazement and said, "what did you say?" I was floored. I mean, I am a young 18 year old traditional grounded baptist Christian ( that's a lot, thank you for deliverance Lord) and I had never heard anyone say that with such confidence. He said, " I know I have done so much stuff that Jesus will not let me in heaven." I said, "BOB"! He said, "Yeah man!" With that one of a kind smirk on his face. I never forgot that and I have told that story many times. Who would have thought that I would become a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ 10 years later and have an opportunity to pray for and with Bob. He always made fun that Denise was Catholic and in his own fashion crafted funny jokes. But, he always acknowledge that his mother was a devout baptist! We laughed about religion alot.

As they lay him to rest today, I thought about the Samaratian lady at the well who came to fetch natural water but ended up meeting Jesus and recieving eternal life. Though at that season in Bob's life he thought that God would not accept him because of his past, which by the way wasn't that bad. But as Bob got older and Denise mellowed him a lot, I think he reflected alot on life and just how good God had been to him. He had a generous heart and he gave, he loved unconditionally and if he liked you, he really liked you! Two years ago, I was in Charleston to eulogize a former employee and dear friend, I went by the house to see Bob. I still had my clergy collar on and to see the gleam in his eye. The strokes had limited his speech. He did not say much but I knew he was proud of me. I prayed for him and he said thank you. In my heart, I honestly feel Bob is in heaven like I said previously arguing with St. Peter about where the best fish are. Though we will never understand why God chose this path for Bob in the later years of his life, I do know this! Bob gave to the poor, comforted the widow, and helped the orphaned. Those were tenants that Jesus commanded us to do before he left. So Big Bob you want need that gallon after all. Jesus have given you an eternal portion! Rest in peace...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Biscuits and Peaches...An Ode to Bob continued

I appreciate your comments and encouragement yesterday. Denise and the crew are fine and the plans for Bob's homegoing are set. One of the most memorable things about Bob and there are many is that he was a phenomenal cook. Being college athletes and always starving it seemed like Denise and Bob always made sure we had plenty of food. They became instant parents to a bunch of 6 ft, 200 plus pound boys. Our duties that summer on Kiawah became quite taxing but no one complained because we were on the inside most of the day making beds for the "real housekeepers". Flossie was the lead and she was a pro and could work circles around anyone. I will talk more about her later. As we cleaned these private villas and homes which were people's second home or investment properties many people would leave tons of food as they departed on their way home from summer vacation. As a college student on his on this free grocery store was a God send. The rules were that any alcohol was to be poured out and bottles destroyed. Humm.... So as we tugged dirty linens up and down stairs and throwing them into vans, we worked up quite an appetite. Though the majority of our work was inside when you walked outside in the humidity and heat of Charleston would knock you off your feet and drench you in sweat! Our first day, Bob made the call for everyone to come to the office for lunch and we were ready because those powdered eggs from the Citadel had worn off. They had prepared an amazing sandwich buffet with all the trimmings. He made fun of how much we ate but he also kept asking if we had enough. As the summer progressed Bob and I had many conversations about growing up in the country though he did not. Being from the Upstate, we talked about peaches and how much he loved preparing a special perserve. I teased him and said no such thing. The one thing about Bob was he loved a challenge. So one night they invited us over for dinner and Bob prepared his now famous biscuits and peaches. All I can say is they were out of this world and certainly a special request whenever I came into town. I learned a lot from Bob! He introduced me to some of the finer things in life and I will always be grateful. Man such great memories. Really going to miss him!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Cried Myself To Sleep...

Last night I cried myself to sleep. The overwhelmness of the moment was far greater than even I could anticipate or want to admit. As I was in a meeti. . ng yesterday, I received a call from a Charleston area number. Saying I would let it go to voicemail. I received another call and another. On the third one I answered and it was from Denise Callahan someone like a second mother to me informing me that Bob, her husband had passed. I have dreaded that call for some time because Bob's health had been declining over the past 10 years. The news moved me to tears. As she explained in her calm and gracious tone that thanksgiving was good because he was home from the VA Hospital where he was receiving therapy because Denise could not care for him by herself and to know Bob you would agree. So why cry over Bob?
I should make this a two or three part post but for now I will just unload my raw and emotional feelings.
It was the spring of my freshman year at the Citadel and I was looking for a summer job so that I could stay in my beloved Charleston for the summer. The Athletic department knew that some of the team would be looking for jobs and so they kept their eye out for us. Ray Whitman called me one day and said they had a company interested in hiring cadets in the summer to make beds at a local resort. My thoughts were making beds equal being inside and plus all cadets could make beds..right? I agreed and that Saturday morning I signed out of the battalion and was picked up in what I thought was a snazzy Isuzu Trooper! Denise was driving and greeted us with her beautiful and assuring smile. We departed the city and crossed over the Ashley river and then the Wappoo cut on to James Island and headed South. I had never been further than the Piggly Wiggly on Maybank highway so the adventure begin. As we drove over beautiful prestine estuaries and under regal Oak canopies, I wondered where in the world were we going but it was so beautiful. The lushness of the foliage and those oak trees canopying over Bohicket road was something this upstate country boy had never seen . Finally the shade of the canopy disappeared and the sun beamed through as I saw fields of tomatoes and other crops, roadside stands of local vegetables and hand made woven baskets being manned by the world friendliest people.
As the car slowed down, we approached a sign on the left as we crossed another estuary that said, Kiawah Island. We drove further and crossed over a bridge and made a right before the security gate and pulled into Beachwalker park...and there is where I met Richard Callahan,Jr. aka Bob and my life would never be the same! Bob was a character and came off as a hardnose, actually I have a better word than that but you get the picture. He was busy lining things up and getting assignments. He assigned us to a crew and off we went. Bob and Denise had just started this company on the resort. He was a veteran and former supervisor at a local chemical plant and she was working at a dentist office. They were a blended family, Bob's two daughters, Dawn and Wendy and Denise's two daughters, Mandy and Carlie, and son, Mark. They ranged from teenagers to the smallest cutest, Carlie who had to be around 6 or 7!
This day would turn out to be an amazing day.

/////As I type this, I realize that this is a book! you will later read Bob became a driving force in my life and taught me tons about business! He beleived in me when no one else would or could and I am forever grateful! Honestly, if you want to hear more of this storied life...please leave me a comment. I will make me commit to writing this unbelievable tribute! I promise you, it gets better and even humorous!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

You Don't Want To Drink From This Cup....

So often people come up and say, " Hi , I want to be like you!" or "I wish I had your life?" My reply is quite serious and stern as I say, "You don't want to drink from this cup!" Why in the world would anyone want my life? Jesus said to His father, "If this cup may pass", in other words I really don't want to drink this but if I have to! On the outside it must look pretty good though I would love to lose 100 pounds, yes, 100! I make no excuses but the stress and the tests caused me and note I said caused me to binge eat and put on a couple extra pounds. My faith makes my life look easy, very easy! Last week a member called after we had a great bible study and said, Pastor I want your anointing!" I looked at the phone and said, "Are you crazy? You don't want this!" My anointing comes from the process of making oil. The olive is crushed and the precious oil comes oozing out! The anointing comes only after great trials and tribulations have occurred. Many want the anointing but few wants to pay the cost for it.
This blog is a tribute to a person I will call a friend though we have never sat down and talked face to face. Two years ago I stumbled upon this fascinating young pastor by the name of Shaun King. He was planting a church in downtown Atlanta and he was certainly on the cutting edge so much so that I sowed an offering into his launch. I began to follow Shaun on Facebook and twitter and was just in awe of what God was doing in and through him. Shaun was on fire when the record breaking floods hit Atlanta, Shaun and Courageous church was there leading the way. At Hebron, we even contributed clothes and toiletries to the recovery efforts and bought them downtown to the Courageous office. It appeared that everything Shaun touched was simply gold! The earthquake hit Haiti and Shaun and Courageous was there. We purchased 2 tents through his organization. He always speaks of his family and his wife, Rai and it appeared that his life was perfect and God was positioning him to explode and certainly be noted in the 100 fastest growing congregations in the country. Shaun was and is a major speaker at all the major church planter and church growth conferences. He appeared to have arrived as we would say. I was so proud of Shaun for the barriers he was breaking and occasionally, I would send him a note to say just that!
Several months ago Shaun announced that he had preached his last series at Courageous and announced a new format for doing church that he felt God so ordained. This was Shaun King and if Shaun said it would work...hell, I believed and trusted him. He had a track record of making it happen. He has the Midas touch! It was a bold and way out of the box initiative. As the weeks went by I noticed his tweets weren't as jolly and chipper and then it happened! He tweeted he was going through the worse time in his life. Trusted members of his congregation and board decided to resign and leave the church. My church will be five years old in December so people resigning and leaving was nothing new but I could tell this really hit my friend hard. What most lay members don't understand is when you leave, a real shepherd or pastor, it hurts! He may never say anything to you but if he has ministered and poured into you, he has invested into you and it hurts to see you go! I could tell he was devastated by his tweets. I reached out to him via texting and he said he was having a rough go at it! I told I was too and we somehow made it through that day. I remember texting him the next day asking, "You yet holding on?" he said he was good and life went on.
August was a challenging month for me and from what I am hearing for a lot of other people too particularly clergy! We lost Pastor Zachery Tims who I had some acquaintance with. Honestly, I prayed God give me an out because this just seems not to be working. Everything that could go wrong or break, did! But God! My faith withheld the test and the trials and people are still being saved and lives changed regardless of how I felt! So needless to say when I read Shaun's post about stepping down as pastor, I was shocked, hurt and mad! I text him and asked him was he serious and he said, "Yes!" I did not need to go into details, he did a great job telling us in his own words at! Man, Shaun's out! Wow! On the outside Shaun you looked and performed like Superman. You took on gaints and you out? Hummmmm! You know it doesn't have to make sense to me as long as you have peace and know this is what God has told you to do. God has amazing things in store for you brother! He must have really spoke to you on Mt. Rainier! Keep pressing and living for God! Your anointing is not gone! I know we haven't heard the last of you yet! Godspeed and favor! Your brother and admirer! And to my readers, Shaun and I share the exact same birthday and yes, I am the oldest yet Shaun doesn't recognize it! Lol...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Who is the church anyway?

Go ye into the world and make disciples...I think some churches have a challenge with understanding GO! Go means more than fish frys and Christmas baskets. it more that Easter Egg festivals and any program you can think of to reach your neighborhood. Go is an action verb and it means you move to a differnet locale than where you were. Make means to build, transform and create something you have not seen or had before. Wow! going and making can be a challenge and a test! Today we witnessed a dying world, crying out for some help, some comfort, some assurance and some hope. Reminds me of what I am told 2,000 years ago when Jesus entered into Jerusalem and the crowd was yelling out, "Hosanna, on the Highest, Hosanna...that translated means Lord do save me now. Not another moment, another minute, another hour or another day as Smokie Norful song..Lord, we need you now! 18 adults, teens and evens some under 5 took a step to make a difference in someone's life today but praying for them and asking them would they like Jesus in their life. One person said to me," We need shirts pastor that say...we are not Jehovah Witness!" Has the church fallen that bad...that each time someone comes to a door to pray or encourage you that you say or think that its Jehovah's witnesses? People needed prayer today, people needed hope today. One lady said she woke up a 3:00am this morning with a desire to pray, at the same time Reablli cliff was lead to pray for the community we walked today! God is amazing and Jesus is coming soon! I have one question to the church...What are you doing?Thanks to the Hebronites that stepped up their game today! God will bless you for your obedience! I am beleiving for triple harvest in this time! Go God! Hosanna!!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Purpose of Preparation

The most interesting season we can have as humans is the season of transition. Within that season, I always question my purpose. In my message today, I explored the purpose of Esther and I was amazed a the revelation that God revealed as it relates to preparing for where He is taking you. Here's a few points: Esther's life of obedience was the key that brought her into the place of preparation. Perhaps the length of preparation depends upon how well we hear God's commands and obey His decrees... The Church cannot know the visitation of God without submitting to the dealings of God that result in brokenness. When you decide to be real and go to God broken, he will release upon you his grace to cover you. The path God chooses for us will be deteremined accordning to oursubmission to the breaking experiences that haev come into our lives by His divine appointment!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Wow! What a week! The scripture tells us that to whom much is given much is required. When I accepted my calling to become a pastor no one would have been able to convince me that the road would be this challenging yet rewarding. A couple of years ago there was a movie honoring The Marshall University football team that was tragically killed in an airplane crash. The title of the movie was simply "We are Marshall". The movie captured what it took to build a football program from the bottom up. It was challenging but it had to be done. After a lot of sweat and tears, the team had been rebuilt and they proudly proclaimed, "We are Marshall!"

This year we will celebrate our 5th birthday as Hebron World Church. When we began the church 4 years ago, God gave me a clear vision of revive, restore and redeem. A church in the spirit of Caleb, who even at an old age, possessed what God had promised him. We have been a very visible, giving and loving partner in our community. We believe in being the church outside of the walls of the church. Last year, we documented over 170 people dedicating their lives to Christ, we fed over 1,000 meals to community children, over 500 food boxes to those who needed assistance, a summer camp, numerous counseling sessions, community outreachs and much much more.

This past summer God sent to our ministry, Jae Soto to become our Teen and Young Adult pastor and Yvonne Hill as our children's pastor. As soon as they were in place, children started coming to our ministry through our van ministry and they are still coming. Our children and teen department has been overflowing and we are humbled that God trust us enough to minister His word and exemplify Him to the masses.

This weekend we launched our teen and young adult ministry, Revolve Church! That was after an awesome Friday night of couple's fellowshipping at our Couple's Dance! Wow! What an amazing night! Revolve Church launch was next dimension! It was church at an entirely different level. DJ, Ben Wood, BAND, GSLM, lights, TRINI, red carpet treatment, spoken word, leneil 4 Real and Minister of Mercy, holy hip hop,Milliyon Musiq, the works, nothing was spared. Children gave their lives on Saturday night to Jesus and the atmosphere was electric. Sunday we were blessed by Ric Flo and John Gray and again many people gave their lves to Jesus. No one could deny the Presence of God! People committed their lives to Christ, yolks and generational curses were broken and lives were changed! People were blessed and by the leading of the Spirit some even were given seed money for businesses as a Spirit mandate by Minister John Gray. Pretty gratifying to see God touch HIS people like that. It had been an exhilirating weekend! God used us to make an impact in earth!

Monday morning while in a Churchplanting conference session in Cumming, Ga., I received a call from the Covington City police informing me that Hebron had been broken into and the glass front door was shattered. The officer stated that some items looked to be missing so I drove an hour and half back from the conference to assess what was taken. At first, I was a little taken aback that the enemy would have the audacity to attack us but then I realized that he was simply mad because some people decided to follow Jesus and they decided at HEBRON! The thief stole our video camera that we use for stream to the world, computer monitors and units, a piano keyboard and of all things,our fundraiser Skittles. Doors and glass were shattered but not our Spirit. We will never, never give up on the vision God has given us..and that was to revive, restore and redeem a city, a region and the world unto HIM! We may be down but we are not destroyed and we will keep on making a difference and an impact in our community! WE ARE HEBRON...