Saturday, April 9, 2011

Who is the church anyway?

Go ye into the world and make disciples...I think some churches have a challenge with understanding GO! Go means more than fish frys and Christmas baskets. it more that Easter Egg festivals and any program you can think of to reach your neighborhood. Go is an action verb and it means you move to a differnet locale than where you were. Make means to build, transform and create something you have not seen or had before. Wow! going and making can be a challenge and a test! Today we witnessed a dying world, crying out for some help, some comfort, some assurance and some hope. Reminds me of what I am told 2,000 years ago when Jesus entered into Jerusalem and the crowd was yelling out, "Hosanna, on the Highest, Hosanna...that translated means Lord do save me now. Not another moment, another minute, another hour or another day as Smokie Norful song..Lord, we need you now! 18 adults, teens and evens some under 5 took a step to make a difference in someone's life today but praying for them and asking them would they like Jesus in their life. One person said to me," We need shirts pastor that say...we are not Jehovah Witness!" Has the church fallen that bad...that each time someone comes to a door to pray or encourage you that you say or think that its Jehovah's witnesses? People needed prayer today, people needed hope today. One lady said she woke up a 3:00am this morning with a desire to pray, at the same time Reablli cliff was lead to pray for the community we walked today! God is amazing and Jesus is coming soon! I have one question to the church...What are you doing?Thanks to the Hebronites that stepped up their game today! God will bless you for your obedience! I am beleiving for triple harvest in this time! Go God! Hosanna!!!!