Thoughts and ideas of a husband, father, son, brother, and pastor
Monday, March 25, 2013
Hosanna...Let our King be lifted up!
Upon Jesus' entry into Jerusalem they cried, "Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna!" He knew He was headed toward Calvary and fulfilling His call and purpose in coming to earth. The crowd thought he was indeed the new king because they needed a savior from the oppression of Rome. The Hebraic translation of hosanna is do Lord save us now!
Even today, this is the plea of many people - looking and needing a savior, crying out for help and comfort. I am glad He came! It was indeed a triumphant entry!
It's been over a year since I have posted anything to my blog!
It's time...He died so that I may have life and have it more abundantly!
God's grace,
Friday, December 23, 2011
On my watch... For Every Pastor!
30 days ago, I resigned as Lead and founding pastor of Hebron World Church and subsequently the church is being dissolved. Yes, after 5 years of service, sacrifice and dedication, I felt God's release. Over the past weeks, I have pondered much! During the past 3 months there has been a lot of death and henceforth a lot of grieving. I will be blogging more about my transition later on but I really wish to share my heart. I share this for every pastor and serious disciple of Christ.
(1) Sheep bite and it hurts! As a shepherd our task is to equip and prepare the saints to be disciples and followers of Jesus Christ. Change and transformation is exactly that -Change! It is a shifting, a stretching and a launch into the unknown. When people aren't willing to change, they resist and defend. They bite! Ouch and does it hurt! In my 43 years of living, it includes being an entrepreneur, a hotel manager, an executive pastor and a lead pastor. I have learned this: you can't take people where they do not want to go and they will fight you tooth and nail to stay where they are.
(2) When people show you who they are believe them. Maya Angelou is given credit for this quote but as pastors we have the propensity to believe the best in everyone and totally discount every unction that the spirit gives us that this person or people is not going to all! We desire to see the good side in all things and in all people. What I have learned is go with your gut and do what the spirit leads you to do. If they don't want to change or attach to your God given vision then keep it moving! Which leads into my third lesson learned...
(3) Know when enough is enough. Again as a type A, aggressive, tenacious, never give up leader, we will fight until the end. Now many will argue that you just can't quit or stop until you have exhausted every means and resource available to you even if it means jeopardizing or sacrificing your family and relationships. We take the dogmatic position that I am a winner and nothing can stop me in the name of Jesus! Some of us even entertain the idea that we would be a failure and heaven forbid carry the burden of the infamous "what will people say or think?" Once you have gone through enough hell by yourself it really does not matter what anyone else say or think. Where were they when you were in the press of your life? What I realized in the waning moments of 2011 is that it is okay to say enough is enough. I hear some of you asking, “Okay, Charles when is enough enough?” After you have fasted, prayed, and sought counsel and nothing changes and actually get worst. As in the scene from the Titanic when the ship was going down and the orchestra continued to play as people were sliding by them to their death. That’s when you know, it’s enough! When attendance decline so much that the ministry cannot make it financial obligations, you may start considering is this enough. Matthew 10:14 really blessed me...when you have done all you can and those around you still do not believe! Dust off your feet and move on.
(4) God will never leave you or forsake you - for real! As a pastor and follower of Jesus Christ when you go through challenging times, Hebrews 13:5 will sustain you. Many pastors quote this but yet have the opportunity to really experience it! I was in a conversation with a mentor who has been in ministry for over 30 years and I was sharing the difficulty the church was having meeting its financial obligation. He looked at me and said, “I do not know how you keep your sanity. I have always led in situations where our bills were paid and payroll was met. I mean there may have been a time or two where we had to go into reserves but never a Sunday to Sunday situation.” I responded, “You are kidding me!” He replied, “Nope!” Some situations and circumstances, God set up just for you. So after all the "I got your backers" are gone even your closest friends, mentors and confidants think you have lost your mind. I find great solace in knowing that God has never left me nor has He forsaken me.
Over the past month, the most heart-warming and encouraging things for me have been the subtle emails from people who were members or regular attenders that read, " I met God under your watch! My relationship with Him is closer and more meaningful. I came into this relationship with God while at Hebron and I am forever grateful! Your ministry is not in vain pastor, if you came for anyone, it was for me!" I have realized that all is not in vain and just maybe God has planted you to touch just one. It’s okay! Just do what He sent you to do and be cognizant to the fact that God may end the season sooner than you think.
In 5 years, over 400 people came to know the Lord at Hebron, 100's of baptisms and over 3,000 people feed. We were a safe haven, a sanctuary and a place where you could experience the love of Christ! I am at peace and extremely excited about what God has in store for us next. 2012 is a year of order and restoration. As I transition from being a lead pastor and launch out to share my story of life as a church starter versus a church planter, I am trusting in God now more than ever! I don’t know what He has in store but I do have the peace of knowing that God is guiding every step of my life and I trust HIM! Do you?
Friday, December 2, 2011
Bury me with a gallon of water...Ode to Bob continued
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Biscuits and Peaches...An Ode to Bob continued
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
I Cried Myself To Sleep...
Saturday, September 3, 2011
You Don't Want To Drink From This Cup....
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Who is the church anyway?
Go ye into the world and make disciples...I think some churches have a challenge with understanding GO! Go means more than fish frys and Christmas baskets. it more that Easter Egg festivals and any program you can think of to reach your neighborhood. Go is an action verb and it means you move to a differnet locale than where you were. Make means to build, transform and create something you have not seen or had before. Wow! going and making can be a challenge and a test! Today we witnessed a dying world, crying out for some help, some comfort, some assurance and some hope. Reminds me of what I am told 2,000 years ago when Jesus entered into Jerusalem and the crowd was yelling out, "Hosanna, on the Highest, Hosanna...that translated means Lord do save me now. Not another moment, another minute, another hour or another day as Smokie Norful song..Lord, we need you now! 18 adults, teens and evens some under 5 took a step to make a difference in someone's life today but praying for them and asking them would they like Jesus in their life. One person said to me," We need shirts pastor that say...we are not Jehovah Witness!" Has the church fallen that bad...that each time someone comes to a door to pray or encourage you that you say or think that its Jehovah's witnesses? People needed prayer today, people needed hope today. One lady said she woke up a 3:00am this morning with a desire to pray, at the same time Reablli cliff was lead to pray for the community we walked today! God is amazing and Jesus is coming soon! I have one question to the church...What are you doing?Thanks to the Hebronites that stepped up their game today! God will bless you for your obedience! I am beleiving for triple harvest in this time! Go God! Hosanna!!!!